2D drafting services are used to create technical drawings and designs with high accuracy. Architects and civil engineers use CAD or Computer Aided Design software floor plans and layouts of buildings and construction sites.
CAD software is used in 2D drafting to create precise designs and drawings of high practical value. The need of stencils, work desks and other drawing instruments required in traditional designing is reducing everyday with the evolution of CAD drawing.
2D Drafting Services
CAD software has various functionalities with easy computational strategies for efficient designing with minimum number of measurement errors. Thus, CAD exposes the reality of a design virtually through computer which traditional designing cannot.
Recently, the use of 3D CAD has revolutionized the architecture industry completely. It is more efficient than 2D CAD in the manner that it helps to build objects with length, breadth and height; enabling more accurate measurements and high-quality visualizations.
Importance of 2D CAD drafting in today’s world: